Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Animal Fun in the Classroom!

Miss Maisie's 12:00pm - 2:00pm class

We've all experienced "Show N' Tell" at school, but MIss Maise's class put a little spin on it and brought it completely to life! After a fun term of learning about topics such as, the world famous landmarks, northern lights, titanic and much more, they finished the term with bringing animals to class to show off their favorite pets! Sounds like a load of fun! The classroom was half gone with many kids away at camp, so what a way to keep kids enthusiastic about coming to class. Miss Maisie, did a fine job of pulling together a lesson of showing off pets and telling facts about the animals. All sorts of animals were shared, from big butterflies, to horses to house dogs! It definately made for an exciting last day of class! No worries MIss MIndy, all poop was cleaned up by their owners! Here are only a few of the students' animals.

"Goldfish were first introduced to North America around 1850 and quickly became popular in the United States."
"They are currently over 300 breeds of goldfish since then ranging from the basic one like i got. which is just a comon goldfish to fantail with pretty long huge fins to panda moor which i call googly eyes goldfish as there eyes are very big."

(photography by July (july.lusch) Meiler)

"yep dis my monkey, hims name Misser Sparkles" (Mr. Sparkles does magic!)

"I go jumping wid her and ride her on trails, she's very fast. I have a friend with her own sim and I an taking Noel there" (Carla shared a video) "I will pretend I do that!"

Angel Netizen:
"i have a butterfly as a pet. this is about one of biggest butterflies in the world but the butterfly comes from a catterpilar and the way they do it is called metamorphasis. Metamorphosis is a biological process by which an animal physically develops after birth or hatching, involving a conspicuous and relatively abrupt change in the animal's body structure through cell growth and differentiation." (smart kid!) Angel shared a video

What a great presentation!

zachary's toy speaks " I am a breed of cat,
I am from the result of breeding domestic shorthaired tabbies to make me resemble a toy tiger. I was designed in order to inspire people to care about the conservation of tigers in the wild."

(zachary built his toy only hours before class. Pretty impressive!)

"Dreamer is a German Shepherd Dog. The German Shepherd Dog is respected and admired throughout the world for its versatility, intelligence, and loyalty....The German Shepherd is considered to be one of the newer breeds of dogs. 1891 became the start of the breed that we know today."
(Photography by July (july.lusch) Meiler)

These are only some of the awesome animals that were shared in the class. Way to end a term Miss. Maisie and great presentations elementary students!

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